We Welcome New Clients, Frequently Asked Questions


What to Expect

We ask new clients to contact office to schedule a meet and greet no later than December 20 BEFORE tax season starts for client onboarding. Office needs  a copy of their most recent tax return at their onboarding session before tax season.  NEW CLIENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED DURING TAX SEASON.

Scheduling The Appointment

Most tax services are by appointment, but drop offs (existing clients only) are welcome. We ask people dropping off their return to provide a contact telephone number with their paperwork.

Appointment Scheduling Procedure Change: Online Appointment scheduling has been discontinued.  Office is asking clients to provide their tax documents either by:

Hand Delivery when office is open OR

Fax 855-753 8468 OR

parcel or certified mail (tracking number) OR

on site drop box (available 24/7/365)

Tax professional will schedule appointments after reviewing documents.  When contacted, client at that time will have a choice of either:

regular appointment –30-45 minutes for review of tax situation, questions and final print OR

pick up 10-20 minutes review of refund/tax due what to sign, mail etc.

At the Appointment

Most appointments run between 30 to 45 minutes.

Paperwork is reviewed, prepared and discussed with the client.  Client is to bring their ID and Routing and Account number information if they want direct deposit of refund(s).  If all documents and information is available at the appointment, the tax return is finished and “locked in” for electronic filing. Client documents are returned. Client is given a paper copy of the tax return for their records.

If both people can’t be at the appointment (e.g. Married Filing Joint return) then return is prepared and the person at the appointment is given a paper copy of the return with the electronic filing permission slip (Form 8879). Both sign and return the form to the office either by fax or mail. No second trip or appointment is necessary.

Appointments Don’t Work For Me

Do you work for the Railroad or EMS? Single Parent? Life is crazy. We understand. Consider the drop off option . . .If dropping off your tax papers, please provide a telephone number with your paperwork for questions.

I’m Not Available When You’re Open

We have 24 hour drop off available via a locked secure paperwork drop. If you choose to drop off your paperwork via drop box, please provide a contact telephone number in your paperwork for questions


Returns are a “package deal” and include Federal, State, and one local return with FREE electronic filing. If additional local returns are required (e.g. School District & a City), there will be an additional charge. Rates start as low $60.00 If you are concerned about the preparation fee, please contact us to discuss your needs

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