I try to add tax blog articles weekly on tax topics that may be interesting to you. Please browse. If there is a topic you would like to see here or would like to more information on, please contact me.
I try to add tax blog articles weekly on tax topics that may be interesting to you. Please browse. If there is a topic you would like to see here or would like to more information on, please contact me.
Been getting a lot of calls for IRS Notices. Most of them seem to be related to the Stimulus Payment or “Recovery Rebate Credit”. The Recovery Rebate is a reconcile. Taxpayers not receiving the full amount of stimulus payment one (Paid out March-May 2020) or Stimulus Payment two (paid out January thru March 2021), can … I was Getting a Refund but Got an IRS Bill . . . ?
Refunds are taking longer this year. Refunds are delayed if the 2020 tax year return: Claims Child Tax Credit. . For children under the age of 17 or a reduced amount for College Students or disabled children. . Refunds are subject to extra scrutiny because of fraud. Earned Income Credit . . . for … Where’s My Refund? It’s been 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 12 weeks
IRS is going to be running a little “late” this year. According to the information received as of today (January 15, 2021), IRS will start processing 2020 Tax Year individual Tax Returns February 12, 2021. Tax Returns can be prepared before February 12 processing date. Estimated refund processing times for returns that refund extra … Need Refund? Patience Please!
As you may have heard, President Trump signed the “COVID Relief Part 4 ( Formally known as Continuing Appropriations Act of 2021)” into law recently. Payment amount will be $600 per qualified recipient ($1200 per Married Couple) plus $600 per dependent child claimed on the tax return. As before, no payments are available for … Stimulus Payments Part 2
UPDATE 12-23-2020: This bill was passed by Congress but President Trump will not sign it. Thinks the $600 is too small a check for American Taxpayers when the same bill (tentative law) gives millions to foreign countries. Bill has been sent back to Congress for Modification. . .will keep you posted. Per initial legislative … Congress COVID Christmas Present–UPDATED 12-23-2020
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2021, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be: • 56 cents per mile for business use • 16 cents per mile driven for medical purposes • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations
Virtual Currency may not be as private as previously thought. The IRS is reviewing Virtual Currency holders (e. g. Bitcoin and related currencies) tax returns because these taxpayers may not have reported income (or paid taxes) when the currency was redeemed (used to buy goods and services), traded or sold. The IRS is sending a … BitCoin/Virtual Currency Owners BEWARE IRS Has Its EYE on You . .
Yes, it’s after April 15th. However, “forgetting” to file isn’t fatal if it’s addressed quickly. This article is limited to individual Federal Tax filing requirements. State and cities may have additional tax filing requirements. Question 1: Is filing Federal Tax Return required? Not required for self employed taxpayers with income under $400.00 OR For taxpayers … I Didn’t File My Taxes . . .What Now?