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My Tax Blog

October 22, 2020   |   Editorial, IRS, Legislation, Medical Insurance

Man and woman with american flag wrapped around their shoulders


Currently choice is one of the buzzwords.  Usually it refers to something I don’t agree with.

However, when it comes to personal freedom and governmental affairs I want: A choice to select the exact health insurance coverage I need and can afford. Choice denied under Obamacare. For example, I don’t need maternity care and if I was married my male partner wouldn’t need it either. However, the standard medical insurance under OBAMACARE includes it and requires payment for it whether maternity care is wanted or not. Why can’t we access medical coverage that allows a choice?  How about freedom to make these Choices:

A choice to practice the religion of my choice in accordance with my conscious and health concerns. Choice denied by Government mandate. Yes some people have health concerns, but those who are healthy and want to take the risk should have the freedom to do so. Violation of this tenant reduces the First Amendment to words on a page. . .

A choice to operate my business in accordance with good customer service and moral concerns.  Choice in danger.  See Masterpiece Cakes.  There is no discrimination case where a  Sole proprietor’s individual conscious is concerned.

The choice to work and earn a living in accordance with infection control procedures. Choice denied or severely limited depending on the industry. . . Should government have the power to determine if or when a person can work in their profession?

The choice to freely associate with like minded individuals. Choice limited under COVID.

The choice to pay for supplies any way desired as long as it is legal tender.  Choice limited.  Yes cash can carry germs,  but so can payment cards.  It isn’t the cash that’s the issue. This issue is anonymity. Cash is private, credit and debit are not . . .

The Choice to opt out of the contact tracing for COVID.  Choice denied. Check your smartphone, in many cases the app has already downloaded without your knowledge.

The Choice to acquire a “bang stick” if desired for self defense and hunting. Choice limited by state intervention/gun control lobby.  The Second Amendment was enacted to allow citizenry self defense.   (Minnesota Riots anyone?!). Gun control does not stop the criminals. It leaves the law abiding citizens defenseless!

As you vote, be careful whom you choose. After they are in office, will you have a choice?

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